Using PowWow BoardGames to Play Backgammon

Before Play

Choose colors for the board and the pieces. Each player throws one die. The one who throws the higher number plays first.

Customizing the Colors

At any time during a game of backgammon you can change your colors by selecting CHECKERS ¦ CHANGE COLORS from the menu.


The object of the game is to move your checkers from point to point around the board until you have brought all of them to your goal and eliminated them from the game.

Inner VS. Outer

The board is divided into four areas called inner and outer tables for each player. A player's inner table is that quarter of the board closest to their goal. A player's outer table is that quarter of the board directly beside their inner table.


To roll the dice, click each ROLL button next to the dice. To roll both dice at once, click and drag a rectangle around both of them. Now each time you click either ROLL button, both dice roll. Players take turns rolling both dice and moving their checkers a number of points corresponding to the numbers thrown. Each turn is made up of two moves, one part corresponding to the number shown on one die, and the other part corresponding to the number shown on the other die. Opposing checkers move in opposite directions, as indicated by the arrows outside the board. Move your checkers along the path shown by their same colored arrows, towards your inner table. Not every checker will pass through all four parts of the board. There is no limit to the number of checkers which may occupy a point at once.


To move a checker, click and drag it to its new location. You may move your checkers in any order you choose. When you have rolled the dice, you may move one checker the number shown on one die and another checker the number shown on the other. Or you may play one checker for the total, but the play must be treated as two moves. A checker must not touch down on a point blocked to him by his opponent (see BLOCK). For example, if you throw a 2-5 and you wish to move one checker for the total of 7, you must move the checker first 2, then 5 (or 5, then 2), without touching down or landing on a blocked point after either part of the total move.


When duplicate numbers, or doubles, are thrown, all moves for the play are doubled. Thus, if 4-4 is thrown, two checkers may be moved two moves of four points each, or the throw may be divided into four moves of four points each by one or more checkers.


A block is a point which contains two or more opponents, and no checker may move to such a point. A checker may pass over, but may never touch down or land on, a blocked point. Any part of the throw of the dice which cannot be played is lost, but all of a throw must be played, if possible.


A blot is a point occupied by a single checker. If you move a checker to a point occupied by a single opponent, remove the opponent's checker and place it on bar.


The separation between the two halves of the board is called the bar. When you have a checker on bar, you may move no other checkers. A checker on bar must be reentered in the opponent's inner table onto a numbered point corresponding to the throw of the dice. The number shown on either die may be used for reentering, and the number on the other die may be used to move another checker or the reentered checker. The number on each die must be counted separately. They may not be combined to reenter a checker from the bar.

Bearing Off

To bear off your checkers is to eliminate them from the game according to throws of the dice. The number shown on each die must be counted searately...they may not be combined in bearing off. Points on the inner table are numbered for bearing off. When you have moved all of your checkers onto your inner table, you may begin bearing them off. For example, if 5-2 is thrown, you may remove a checker from each the 5 and the 2 point. Or, you may remove the checker from the 5 point, then move up (toward the 1 point) any checker resting on a higher point than the 2 point. If there are no checkers on a point corresponding to or higher than the number thrown, a checker on the inner table farthest from the 1 point may then be borne off. Should one of your checkers be taken up and placed on bar after you have started bearing off, you must reenter that checker from bar in your opponent's inner table and move around the board to your own inner table before you may again proceed to bear off your checkers. Just like in regular play, when bearing off the play is doubled when doubles are thrown. The player who first bears off all of their checkers wins the game.


There are three kinds of victory.
  1. A Simple Victory is one in which the loser has borne off one or more checkers.
  2. A Gammon is a victory in which the loser has borne off no checkers.
  3. A Backgammon is a victory in which the loser has borne off no checkers and has at least one checker remaining on bar or on the winner's inner table.
To set the checkers up for another game choose CHECKERS ¦ SETUP FOR PLAY from the menu.
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